Lightscribers H O M E   |   M E M B E R - APRATIM   |   G A L L E R Y   |   E V E N T S   |   A B O U T    

those who draws with light are “Lightscribers”


At the edge where land meets water, strange things happen.
The last remains of land, before they merge into the depths of water are often symbolic in nature, strange in the emotions they evoke and powerful in the visuals they create. Banked at the shore, they tell myriad stories that transcend time and often the space where they are anchored in. Stories of holding to your rightful space in the world against the relentless force of time; of reaching motionless dead end; of journeys that never happened; ethereal love stories that lasted only for a while; the skeletal remains of the day after a massive celebration of life; staying in a place and withering away year after year; dreamy evenings just before silent, fairy nights; and eventually the last steps before the circle of life is completed and the final wait for the end begins at the of infinity by a dark ocean shore.
by Apratim

At the edge of infinity  Clinging to
The journey that never happened  Remains of the day
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